Alistrati Cave
Alistrati Serres, Central Macedonia, Greece
The biological interest in the ecosystem of the cave is extremely high, because of its size and its impressive bat populations. The fauna of the cave has been defined by many scientists: Simeonidis, Sconman, biologist of the University of Crete and Beron. There are 36 kinds of microorganisms living in the cave .Dolichopoda, Myriapoda and a unique microorganism named Alistratia Beroni. Also,seven kinds of bats, an endemic animalcule, licopoda, two kolioptera and a lepidoptero. The ecosystem of the cave is unique and with many kinds of organisms.
Some of the kinds which have been found:
a) Amphibians: a Bufo Bufo and a Triturus Cristatos have been found on the bottom of the natural entrance. Because these kinds can not climb we think that they had fallen down and been trapped there.
b) Mammals: They’ve been foumd six kinds of bats
i) Rhinolophus Mehelyi
ii) Rhinolophus Euryale
iii) Myotis Myotis (big with ears like mouse’s)
iv) Myotis Blythi (small with ears like mouse’s) v) Myotis Capaccini (bat with big feet)
vi) Miniopterus Schreibersi (bat with big wings) Thousands of bats more into the cave in order to nest and being reproduced, mainly in the summer Some other mammals that have been found in the cave accidentally are: rabbit, mouse, fox and weasel
They are the most important piece of the cave fauna The Alistrati Cave because of its big amount of the bat -droppings has many troglodyte live in it Also, the new endemic kind Alistratia Beroni is unique and lives in this cave